Winter fun for you and your pre-schooler

It’s been truly cold and wet outside this week and that can make it hard for your pre-schooler to burn off energy. But with the right outdoor gear it’s still great to head outside each day and let your little one enjoy the wonders of Aotearoa – most pre-schoolers love to play in muddy puddles – just like Peppa Pig!
But if you do find yourself stuck in doors here’s some things you can do together:
- Make an obstacle course – crawl under the dinning chair, jump over the cushions, commando under the blanket etc. Make up dances together.
- Make a blanket fort.
- Sensory activities can be perfect for indoors – we love Play-Doh.
- Have an indoor picnic – spread a blanket on the floor and ask your little one to imagine that they are somewhere outside and get them to tell you all about it.
- Play let’s pretend – being animals is always a favourite in our house.
- Bake, do puzzles, play board games or colour in together.
- Make a treasure hunt – older kids will love to make them for you to follow too.
- And if all else fails put them in the bath; bath time can be great for sensory play at any time of day.